Sunday, October 27, 2013

Fall Energy

Hello, my friends,

Fall is a reminder of how everything is a form of energy and energy is always in the process of transforming. Sometimes these changes happen very slowly and sometimes they seem so sudden, however, the flow and transition of energy is constantly taking place.
Now that it is fall going forward to winter, it’s a good idea to protect and nourish the lung and kidney energy. The skin is related to this also, so a little olive oil in foods or on the skin is good! Pay more attention to the kidney energy because winter is kidney energy and we need to focus on restoring the kidney energy, the vitality, so that when spring comes we have enough energy to grow and to function well. Drink plenty of fluids, especially warm fluids such as warm water or tea. In the Five Element Theory, water is the element of winter.

Autumn is the season of change and transformation, our lives can be more peaceful and harmonious if we could always remember to take our deep breath into the Dantian (the center and reservoir of our life energy that is located in the lower belly) no matter what happens in our lives and in the world.  We can't change the circumstances of our lives, but we can change our minds, attitudes, and spirits to make our future better.

Also, now that Fall is in full swing, take time to focus on your breathing throughout your day and take some steps to protect your delicate lungs from dryness and sudden cold air. This dry cold air makes for a perfect environment for viruses to take hold. This is why so many people get colds this time of year.

In the morning, you really need to stay warm, which is also good for your spine and back. Keep the back warm and well protected, and this includes the shoulders as well. This bit of warmth helps to protect and heal the lungs. Even just walking around the house, staying warm is important because that part of the body is very sensitive to the temperature and directly connected to the lung energy. You can also massage around the last vertebrae at the base of your neck, which is C7. Massaging the shoulders helps prevent congestion in the lungs and prevents cold in the body.
When you feel tightness in shoulders, or back or feel a little chill in those areas, be sure to keep those areas warm. Use a dry towel and rub the back – hold one end in each hand – throw it over your back and just rub your back to generate some heat and warmth.
Another aspect of living in harmony with the season is in choosing warmer foods to nourish the lungs, skin and large intestine. Since your body is more susceptible to cold dry wind during this time, it’s important to add warm nourishing moisturizing foods to your diet every day. Some simple signs such as dry and/or cracked lips, dry skin, dry cough, dry stools and constipation, dry mouth and scalp and a sore throat are many ways your body is telling you it’s time to add more warm liquids and foods that hydrate and nourish you.
Our bodies are in a rhythm that mirrors Mother Nature. Being in Autumn, everything is getting dryer and dryer, so we need even more water to nourish our lungs and skin!

Love and Healthy Qi,


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