Friday, December 26, 2014

An Apple a Day...

An Apple a Day does keep the doctor away, or at the very least the cardiologist!

A recent study conducted at the University of Oxford and published in the Christmas edition of the British Medical Journal showed why you should consume an apple every day.
Most of us have heard the saying “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”. This study analyzed the actual health benefits associated with this saying.
The study analyzed a group of participants over the age of 50. The researchers looked at the benefits associated with eating an apple each day. They found that an apple each day could help delay or prevent about 9000 vascular deaths (heart attacks, strokes) every year.

According to the authors:
  "This study shows that small dietary changes at a population level may significantly reduce vascular mortality.”

If you are interested in preventing or reducing your risk of heart attack or stroke, you might want to consider adding an apple to your diet each day.

I would recommend that you buy organic apples. It doesn't matter what variety you choose. The certified organic brands don't have the pesticide residue that others may contain.  I know many complain about the higher cost of organic produce, but considering the escalating cost of healthcare, spending $2 more for a bag of apples is well worth it!

Happy Qi!

Monday, November 10, 2014

Winter Energy

Hello my friends,

Winter is here. According to Chinese cosmology, winter officially began November 7, 2014.
At this time of year with winter’s energy starting to come in, all of the energy of the plants has gone back to the roots, back into the earth. The energy is being stored up now for next spring. Just as the plants are storing and building up their energy during wintertime, we should do the same with our physical bodies.

Winter is the season represented by the Water element. Water symbolizes darkness, mystery, wisdom, and rejuvenation.  From the Daoist perspective, Water is the primary element - the place from which all life energy begins. This is the time to focus more on building your kidney energy. Your kidney energy is the source of your vitality and longevity. Protecting and strengthening your kidneys, your vitality energy, is so important this time of year. It will not only help keep you healthy and strong during winter but will also prepare your body for the more active times of spring and summer.
There are many simple things you can do for your physical body now that will help you strengthen and protect your kidney energy and vitality.


1. To begin with be sure to keep your back and neck covered and warm whenever you go out in the cold. The bladder channel runs down the back and there are many energy points in the back connecting to the kidneys. If the back gets cold then it can hurt not only the kidneys but the energy of the lungs and liver as well.

2. Keeping your legs warm in winter is also important. People cover the upper part of the body in winter but don’t pay as much attention to making sure the legs are warm and protected.
This is not a good thing because the legs represent vitality and when the legs get cold in the winter it can drain your vitality energy and lead to health problems when spring comes. These things are especially important for people who have or have had heart problems.
The liver and pancreas energy channels run through the front or back of the knees. The stomach channel and bladder channel run through the knees as well. The knees and heels have many important energy points and the flow of energy can easily become stuck in either area. Obviously, that’s not helpful and the simplest thing you can do to keep this from happening in wintertime is to keep your legs, ankles and feet warm. Just doing that can help to prevent colds and the loss of your vital kidney energy.

3. If it’s not too windy outside, try to spend five or ten minutes in the sun each day. Dress warmly, of course, protecting your back, neck and legs from the cold. Put your back to the sun. The sun’s energy will come through your heavy clothing. This is a Taoist practice that is very good for longevity.

4. Another thing you can do in the evening is to soak your feet in very warm to hot water for 10 to 20 minutes, though not so hot you burn yourself, of course. Soaking your feet can help you sleep and is especially helpful for people who have kidney, liver or heart problems. It can also help with memory problems.

5. Next, don’t be sedentary. You want to keep your legs as active as you can. Bouncing, or 'shaking the tree', like we do in my classes, is very good for you. You simply stand, bend your knees a little, put your hands over your head and bounce from your knees. Your feet don’t leave the ground; you just gently bounce your body from the knees up and down. This kind of gently bouncing is very good for your kidney energy.

6. Walking is also good for your legs and your vitality. It also helps your heart and lungs. Lots of people like to go walking in indoor shopping malls during the winter. Or you can simply walk around your house or up and down stairs in your home or at an office building if you happen to be at one. Walking is a wonderful exercise. Many doctors recommend you walk at least thirty minutes a day, five times a week.

7. Getting enough good sleep is also important for your kidney energy and vitality. Go to bed earlier if you can and get up a little later if you can. Don’t go to bed when your hair is still wet as that can cause headaches and other problems. In women especially, this can easily lead to headaches and even migraine headache; having wet hair weakens the vitality in the top of the head. If you wash your hair in the morning make sure it’s dry before you go out in the cold.

According to Chinese Cosmology, this is a Dry Metal and Cold Water Winter. My teacher Master Wu says that, compared to last winter, most parts of the northern hemisphere will be much colder this year. Many places will encounter some heavy snowstorms, a result of the Dry Metal and Cold Water energy. This Dry Metal and Cold Water Qi will generate more physical and mental challenges to those who have health issues related with skin, lung, large intestines, heart, gallbladder, and/or kidney.

At this time of year while Mother Nature’s life force is returning back to the roots, you may be drawn to those foods that are root vegetables like carrots, potatoes, sweet potato, parsnips, radishes, daikon, rutabagas and beets. You may feel drawn to add warming spices to your food like cardamom, rosemary, sage, thyme, ginger and garlic. You will probably be drawn to dark blue or black foods that nourish yin like eggplant, black sesame, black beans, walnuts, dates and dried berries like goji (wolfberry) that nourish and strengthen the immune system. These are all examples of foods and spices that are in keeping with the energy of this season.

Of course, daily Qigong and Tai Chi practice can also keep your immune system strong. Be sure to visit for class dates and times.

Love Qi to you all,


Taming the Monkey Mind

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