Tuesday, January 24, 2017

2017 - Year of the Fire Rooster!

Happy Chinese New Year, every one! I know for many of you, last year ranged between crazy or just plain awful! 2016 was a Monkey year, and monkeys bring chaos.
Thankfully, Saturday, Jan. 28 starts the year of the Rooster. Here's what to expect:

2017 Year of the Fire Rooster

The Chinese Red Fire Rooster Year extends from January 28th 2017 to February 15th 2018.

This Rooster Year is ruled by the fire element and it is a Yin year. The fiery temperament of the Rooster is expected to infuse more enthusiasm and energy into all activities, increasing hopes for better prospects for everyone. This is also the year to work hard and persevere in order to achieve your desired goals.

The tenth Chinese zodiac sign, the Rooster, gives 2017 the characteristics of ambition, pride, the desire to be admired, punctuality, courage, passion and a well-developed disposition for love and seduction. In regard to love, the desire to overwhelm loved ones and to be overwhelmed by them will be strong. 2017 also promises to be a good year for singles wishing to get married as the year ushers in an abundance of romantic opportunities. As the Rooster is considered a very fertile bird, it augurs that there will be good chance for that anticipated addition to a family.  Socially, the circle of friends for many will expand; however, family interests should always take precedence!

The year of the Rooster 2017 bodes well for everyone. It promises happiness, color and drama, but this has to be balanced with good old fashioned common sense and tried and true values. Roosters are also communal birds and the year of the Rooster 2017 predictions promises to be a lucky one for joint ventures. Professional relationships too will turn out to be fruitful. Do not complicate things by over thinking and analyzing too much.
On the whole it’s a favorable time for signing as many business contracts as possible and forming new partnerships. Keep in mind however that the Rooster tends to be overconfident and is prone to come up with nonsensical plans. While the colorful Rooster brings bright and happy days, he also dissipates energy. Disappointments and conflicts will arise unless one refrains from making speculative ventures; resist going off on wild goose chases or get rich quick schemes and instead, stick to practical and well-proven paths. Despite all the fuss and flap we can expect prudence to be the key in economic matters as the Rooster is a good money manager.
Regarding employment, many will be striving for higher goals. The Year of the Rooster will be a year that will result in a flawless job no matter what it takes to achieve it. It will be a year when it is truly better to do less, but do it perfectly. This is also the year we may have to expend maximum effort for minimum gain. Caution is warranted. Do not aim too high or you are liable to get shot down. Try not to fuss too much. Details may not require looking into so long as you are mindful of the whole picture.


On the plus side, like the brave and chivalrous Rooster, many will triumph over difficulties and adversities. Nevertheless one needs to be flexible or risk missing out on new ideas and new life strategies. The year of the Rooster teaches the lessons of order, scrutiny and strategic planning. One way is to achieve psychological advantage over an adversary and use force only as a last resort. Everything will be precariously balanced in the Rooster’s year, as his dramatic personality can set off all kinds of petty disputes. All the same, 2017 will be the year where diplomacy wins!
However, in 2017, we need to brace ourselves for a period of immense changes. Fire destroys Metal, and this destructive relationship means challenges double during the year. Yet, the Fire Rooster shines like a bright star in the dark sky, bringing hope and transformation to those who know how to act harmoniously around prevailing circumstances.
Controversy abounds in a Rooster year, and in an entertaining way. In a Rooster year, we will hear more cutting criticisms of those in the public life and some feathers might be ruffled as pride is dented.  Nevertheless, all will benefit from these rude awakenings.

The motto for the year of the Rooster 2017 should be– Keep It Simple and don’t take offense at the slightest provocation. Remember, good values never go out of style, no matter how difficult it may seem to apply them.

The Rooster is proud of his appearance. In the Year of the Rooster 2017 invest in some really nice wardrobe items to make the best impression and be very well groomed in public. As the element for 2017 is red, do not use red in your clothes and accessories. Red colored stones like ruby, garnet and pink topaz too are better to be avoided. Instead, use colors that will complement the red and fire element. Earth colored items like brown or yellow are most suitable for all the 12 Chinese zodiac signs in 2017.

Medical advances are likely, old drugs and medicines will be rejected in favor of improved alternatives. Herbs, vitamins and yoga practices, consumption of health foods as well as the rejection of smoking and alcohol abuse continues to be a preference for more and more people.

Society/Social trends:
This year of the Rooster can bring a few wild goose chases that don’t quite work out. Independence and equality will characterize relationships. Theatrical presentations, books and movies will honor the classics. Old stories are retold and appreciated. Too much eccentricity and originality is suspect.

The World:
The Year of the Rooster is symbolized by two elements: Yin fire sitting on top of metal. This is a strong clash of elements as fire defeats metal and creates a very destructive energy.  With such conflicting elements this usually means much disharmony and conflicts, wars and serious disasters, especially those involving water throughout the world.
Politically therefore, the Year of the Rooster 2017 it is a year when most nations will adhere to hard-line policies. Governments around the world will be flexing muscles and making threats but probably not following through unless faced with no other solution.
Most nations will be most concerned with protecting the homeland and, unfortunately, it will be a year when most leaders and countrymen will take offense over the smallest thing.
Canada is heading into a difficult time as the economy tightens and funds dwindle. This is truly a time to join forces with others to ease the stress.
The Year of the Rooster 2017 is a year when the U.S. must not underestimate its opponents.
The United Kingdom will continue to side with the U.S. They will find this a rather exhausting and perilous year on the home front.

There are also real possibilities of disasters relating to water, earthquakes and natural disasters and the middle-east and Asian countries possibly including China will probably be the worst hit. The financial markets will probably grow in the first half of the year but the forecast from September onwards is not as good and you should think carefully in 2017 before making investments.

Monday, January 2, 2017

Healthy Start to the New Year

Happy 2017 everyone!
As we start the new year, many people set resolutions to improve their health. This week I am going to talk about vitamin supplements.

First, how much do you really need?
The reality is most people don’t actually know how much of each nutrient they need. Here are Harvard Health’s recommended levels of daily intake for several important nutrients.
  • Calcium: 1,000–1,200 mg, don’t go over 2,000 mg
  • Folate: 400 mcg, don’t go over 1,000 mg
  • Iron: 8 mg, don’t go over 45 mg
  • Vitamin A: 700 mcg, don’t go over 3,000 mcg
  • Vitamin B6: 1.5 mg, don’t go over 100 mg
  • Vitamin B12: 2.4 mcg, upper limit has not been established
  • Vitamin C: 75 mg, don’t go over 2,000 mg
  • Vitamin D: 600-800 IU, don’t go over 4,000 IU
  • Vitamin E: 15 mg, don’t go over 1,000 mg


    The best way to get your nutrients is from food.We all need a variety of nutrients daily to stay healthy. That includes calcium and vitamin D to protect bones, folic acid for the production and maintenance of new cells and vitamin A for healthy immune system and vision. However, where we get these nutrients from is important. And the best way is from food — not supplements, says Dr. JoAnn Manson, chief of preventive medicine at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School.

    • Calcium: dairy, tofu and fortified orange juice
    • Folic acid: spinach, lentils and beef liver
    • Iron: Oysters, chicken liver and turkey
    • Omega-3: salmon, sardines and flaxseed
    • Essential fatty acids: walnuts and soybeans
    • Vitamin A: Sweet potatoes, spinach, cantaloupes, tomatoes and carrots
    • Vitamin B: Chickpeas, salmon and chicken breast
    • Vitamin B12: Clams, beef liver and trout
    • Vitamin D: Salmon, tuna and fortified milk, including fortified non-dairy milk
    • Vitamin E: Almonds, wheat germ oil, sunflower seeds and peanut butter
    Of course, it's best to choose organic and non GMO foods when possible. Luckily, there are more and more stores stocking up on this food, which is driving prices down. 

    Always check with your physician or health practitioner before making changes to your diet or exercise plans. It's always best to ease into change, rather than crash into a new routine. Start slowly, make substitutions with your existing meal plans. It has taken you a long time to create the body and health you have now - it won't change overnight! 

    Here's to a great New Year!


Taming the Monkey Mind

It’s been called the monkey mind — the endless chattering in your head as you jump from thought to thought while you daydream, analyze your...