Thursday, February 2, 2017

More Year of the Rooster predictions

2017 Year of the Rooster Predictions
-a Taoist Perspective 
by my teacher Master Zhongxian Wu

This Spring Ushers in DingYou 丁酉 - Fire Rooster
From a cosmological perspective, the DingYou year will be an uneasy and challenging year on many levels, with much of the world experiencing unseasonal climate conditions.
Given the stormy global political landscape lately, I am sure that this news comes as no big surprise. 
The current state of affairs has helped me broaden my understanding of the Daoist concept of Tian Ren He Yi (天人合一) , the union of human beings and Nature. Perhaps the ways of humans and nature are mirrors of each other more than we care to believe?

Conflicts between Fire and Metal
There are inherent conflicts between Ding (Fire) and You (Metal) that will lead many of us to experience heart-break and grief this year.
In your clinical practice, expect to see more people suffering from liver, heart, lung, and/or GI problems.

In the early spring this year, we will not experience many warm days. Instead,  Cold and Damp energies will dominate until approximately March 20th, 2017.
These energies will prove difficult for those who have a weak digestive tract, weak lung function and/or edema.

Late Spring - Fire Energy Takes Over

After March 20th, Fire energy will suddenly take charge. Temperatures will jump high very quickly. This sudden  change in temperature may cause big climate disasters affecting humans, other animals, and many forms of plant life.
In addition, a beastly strain of influenza may appear during the time period of March 20 - May 20.  

Protecting Yourself

To protect yourself this spring season, please be sure to cultivate your Yang Qi and eat healthy! Place special focus on eating cooked, warming foods - even simple rice porridge daily will be good for you.

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