Saturday, November 7, 2020

Winter forecast from my teacher, Master Zhongxian Wu

Dry-Cold challenges ahead

The unusually high temperatures we saw in the autumn will continue for the next couple of weeks. However, Dry-Cold energy will dominate for the majority of December and January.

Dry-Cold is often burdensome for those who have weak lung and/or heart function. People with these susceptibilities will need extra support to avoid related health challenges.

This dynamic may also cause some blood circulation and skin problems.

Unfortunately, it also suggests to me that SARS-CoV2 will continue to worsen during these Dry-Cold months.

As usual, in order to maintain my own health and well-being, I have been dedicated to my daily cultivation practice. Like you, I have been carrying feelings of great grief for the world. I make a conscious effort to hold all those beloved in my heart and DanTian during my practice and send them wishes for health and healing.

Transform destructive emotions within

We can all practice transforming destructive energies by compassionately observing those feelings as they arise within us and then sending deep wishes for joy, healing and harmony back to the world and all its beings. The Standing Tiger Qigong form is a great way to transform within.


  • Stand with feet parallel, shoulder width apart
  • Grip the ground with the toes
  • Feel the body root deep into the earth
  • Knees are slightly bent and open so that your thighs and crotch form an arch
  • The chest is open
  • The shoulders are down and relaxed
  • Both forearms and hands are at chest level with fingers pointing towards each other, as if you are hugging a giant tree
  • The lower abdomen is tucked in
  • The neck is straight
  • The head and upper body are in an upright position
  • Your body is held in an empty and relaxed manner
  • Adjust your breath to be slow, smooth, deep, and even

Imagine you are hugging a giant tree, which is rooted deep into the earth and reaches way up into the sky
Envision golden light Qi entering your lungs each inhale, and nourishing your kidneys with each exhale.
Feel that you are surrounded by golden light Qi

Try this practice in the morning between 5-7am

Do your best to build up to the point where you can hold the form for at least 30 minutes

If you have any difficulty with standing, you are welcome to modify the form and taking a seated position

It is normal to feel challenged holding the posture, with either pains in your physical body and/or by experiencing uncomfortable emotions during your first few days of practice. Stick with it, this will shift after a few days of unbroken practice!

Tuesday, November 3, 2020



Seasonal Wisdom from one of my Qigong Teachers, Master Peng

On Friday, November 6th, the nineteenth phase of the Chinese seasonal calendar begins. This phase, Start of Winter (Lidong), starts at 6:14 PM EST as the sun crosses 225° Longitude (15° Scorpio).

Start of Winter is the first of the six seasonal phases that constitutes the season of winter.
If we create a correspondence between the four seasons and the four stages of life, then springtime correspond to birth and childhood, summer to adolescence and early adulthood, fall to maturity and midlife, and winter to elderhood. On November 6th  the year will officially become an “elder” as the Chinese seasonal clock crosses over the three-quarter point of its yearly circuit and we can glean the meaning of winter in concrete terms by meditating on elderhood.

What is an elder? You might picture an eighty-two-year-old, white-haired patriarch dispensing wisdom in a traditional Chinese family. Wisdom emerges as an attribute of elderhood for an obvious reason: The longer you live, the more experience you gather and the less likely you are to repeat mistakes you’ve already made. Relative to those younger and less-experienced than yourself, you are a fountain of wisdom. Accordingly, winter is the oldest and wisest part of the year. 

As winter unfolds over the next three months, you will have the opportunity to develop insights by reflecting back on the experience of the last nine months and to use those insights to guide yourself and others towards the realization of your deepest goals.

With that notion in mind, let us examine the meaning of Start of Winter. The first stage of any season establishes a new energy that will unfold over the rest of the season. So, what kind of energy should we aim to establish during Start of Winter? 

Often, when we cross the last quarter of a cycle, we experience an automatic surge of energy, a second wind that gets us to the finish line. “Three-quarters of the way” implies that we are down to the home stretch. We can sense the end of the journey and reinvigorate. That feeling boosts our kidneys and stimulates the production of adrenaline. The theme of this seasonal cycle is the renewal of energy. 

Let’s connect the dots between the themes of wisdom (winter) and the renewal of energy (Start of Winter). There is a saying that goes, “There are two ways to get rich. The first is to make more money. The second is to need fewer things.” Wisdom can help us discriminate between what is truly essential to our well-being and what isn’t. One way to generate additional energy is by “needing less” and wisely discarding what is unnecessary.

During this seasonal cycle, you are encouraged to lighten your load. Maybe you’ve been holding on to a dream or a relationship that you’ve outgrown. Now is the time to surrender attachments to heavy burdens. Hold on to what really matters and let go of any negative energies that no longer serve you and are holding you back. As you release the heavy baggage that you have been lugging around, you’ll feel lighter and more energized. That extra energy will help you push ahead and realize your goals before the year ends.

The Start of Winter seasonal cycle lasts until Minor Snow, the second phase of winter, Nov. 21.

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