Wednesday, August 11, 2021


 FALL 2021 Prediction from Master Zhongxian Wu

The official beginning of Autumn 2021 was August 7.

I have seen the disharmony between Fire and Water growing stronger and stronger. For instance, we had an irregularly dry and very hot summer, therefore, I predict that we will likely have irregular weather this autumn, with high humidity and lots of rain. If instead you had unbalanced rainstorms in your area over the summer, I would guess that you might experience unbalanced heat over the next couple of months. 


Excess Dry Metal


This autumn energy may trigger some difficulties in those with weak blood/Qi circulation during the coming season. Clinically, practitioners may see an influx of people suffering from muscle/joint pain and/or ischemic events.

From late September to mid-November, excess Dry Metal energy will likely dominate most of the northern hemisphere. This suggests health challenges for those with weak lung/breath function, especially during the late autumn. I am afraid that this is not very good news during our global respiratory virus pandemic. Please continue to take good care of yourselves using all the tools you have available to you!

Taming the Monkey Mind

It’s been called the monkey mind — the endless chattering in your head as you jump from thought to thought while you daydream, analyze your...