Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Easy way to Detox the Body




Bladder Energy Points


There are 4 Key Energy Points for Detoxifying the Body’s energy Two focus on the Bladder Channel which begins just off the bridge of the nose.

The 2 Points you want to stimulate to activate the Bladder Channel’s energy are located higher up - where the Eyebrows Begin just off the bridge of the nose.


This channel, the Bladder Channel, goes back to the back of the head, running down the outside along the spine, then out through the leg all the way down and out through the little toe.

Press on these points with your thumbs or fingers. You can press and massage in a circular way.

Or you can press deep.


When you massage deep you will feel a little depression there – when you press on it don’t do it too long. 5 seconds and then release and wait like 2 or 3 seconds and do it again. But, don’t press it too long.

This energy channel has the most acupuncture points or energy points or any energy channel in the body - more than 60 points, the others are like 14 or 20. This channel has more than 3 times as many points among the 12 major energy channels.

This channel helps to collect all the junk stuff, or blockages, or energy garbage from the Lungs, from the Liver, from all of the major internal organs and then releases it all out through the little toe.

This helps with sinuses, allergies, headaches, migraine headaches, dizziness, eyesight problems, fever, coughing, lots of things connecting to any of the major organs.

That’s why these 2 points are very, very important. Massage and give a little pressure or give more pressure as it feels comfortable to you.

You can massage these points as often as you like. Try to massage for at least 30 seconds each time - longer if you have more time.


Stomach Channel Points


The second set of 2 points are on the cheek bones, directly below the center of the eyes.

These points are where the Stomach Channel starts.

When you massage these points you can press massage with your fingers or thumbs - or you can tap them with your finger tips. Tap it firm to the level that feels good to you.

Tapping or massaging these points can help you to take care of your runny nose, or allergies.

It also helps to open all the energy blockages in the front of the body – down through the chest, breasts, to the lungs, the liver, from the thighs and way, way down to the second toe – releasing the energy out through the second toe.

You can massage these points as often as you like. Try to massage for at least 30 seconds each time - longer if you have more time.

By tapping these 4 points it helps you to clear all of the energy blockages in the body. These are the 2 major energy channels for helping to dump the garbage out.

It’s like what the liver does with the physical toxins in the body – these 2 channels take all the energetic “garbage” out.

Foods for Fall - Keep your energy strong

A Pear a Day...


There is an old saying, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” But this time of year, pears are the thing. Pears are very good for fall. Eat them raw or steamed. Pears help with the lungs and throat. They help with your tongue, help with thirst and help with any toxins in the lung and skin. If you eat 1 or 2 pears a day they can be very beneficial for your health this time of year.


For those who have lots of coughing, steamed pear with brown sugar to your taste can help even better to clear your coughing. Steamed pears are also good for relieving anxiety or frustration, and they can help with red eye or puffy eye. And they can be helpful in relieving constipation.


If you enjoy apples you may want to cut back on them in autumn. Apples are especially good for you in summer but in autumn you should cut back on apples eating maybe just one small apple a day.


Spinach is always good. This time of year carrots and white carrots are very good for you and also white mushrooms. This is the season for gathering nuts and walnuts are very good for you now because this is lung season. A couple of handfuls of walnuts a day are very good for the lungs and in helping prepare your energy for the fall.


As for cooking style this time of year, have more steamed or stir fried food. Generally it is better to avoid deep fried food. This is especially true in autumn. In autumn, lung energy is becoming dominant and too much yang energy is too dry which is not good, especially in early autumn because lung energy is very fragile. Right now yang energy in food is not good for you and deep fried food is yang.


This season lotus root and lotus seeds are wonderful for you. They have the best energy this time of year because all of the energy has gone to the root so have lots of lotus root and lotus seeds. They are very good for your lungs.


Blackberries are also very good for your lungs and throat. Your throat can get dry easily in fall.


This time of year try not to eat when your body is not ready. And try not to eat too much cold food or drink cold drinks because cold food and drink are more likely to create diarrhea at this time of year.


Instead drink warm things and eat more warm food this time of year. That is best.


Prepare for Fall - Energy Shift


The Transition Energy of August

By Master Chunyi Lin


 In life, as in nature, we have many peaks and valleys, bright days and dark ones.

Life, like nature, it is always in the process of Transition and Transformation. Some happen very quickly and some very slowly. Some are predictable and others come on suddenly. Whether we always recognize it or not, transition is always going on.

August is a transition month though we might not think of it as such. August is a month that can see some of the hottest days of summer while each day moves us closer to the start of autumn.

The signature of summer energy is fire, yang energy, always going outward wanting to expand and grow. But in August the energy signature begins to turn inward. You still see things growing in nature but the earth is already sending more energy to the roots, storing it up for the fall and winter to come.

August 8th is a special day because that’s when fall energy starts coming in and the transition is fully underway. The Energy Starts turning from Yang to Yin


Spring Forest Qigong Lush Hills

The Energy starts turning from Yang to Yin.

When you look at a Yin/Yang symbol you will see what I mean. The transition point is the tail, very narrow but expanding very rapidly.

The energy transition from yang to yin will start moving very quickly now.

But, when you look at the full symbol you will always see the balance it has, the harmony.

This is our goal for life; to be in balance and live in harmony. Following the transitions of nature can help us do that.


Now is a time for us to start preparing for fall and winter and storing up our energy and not expending all of it. Expending energy in summer is very natural and that’s fine. Fire energy, yang energy is so intense there is always plenty there in summer. That will not be true much longer.

Keeping your emotions under control is very important.  As summer energy is fading, the effect on your emotions can be even more intense as we want to be out and accomplish and experience even more.

During the ‘Highest Yang’ many thoughts can flood your intellect and the energy of ‘over thinking’ can occur.

During time of the year it is important that we work to let go of anything that has us feeling overwhelmed and anything that is no longer serving our higher purpose. When we feel overwhelmed it generally means we have too much energy in our heads.

If the high yang energy is not balanced then its power can ignite feelings like worry, resentment, anxiety from over thinking and forgetting to bring love into action.


How do we Bring Balance to the High Yang Energy? 



Spring Forest Qigong Lush Hills

Technique #1: Bring your Focus Down

Drop your shoulders, place your hands, on top of one another, and bring them to your navel.

Men: Left hand on navel, right hand on top of left hand

Women: Right hand on navel, left hand on top of right hand)

Focus on your belly button and take 3 gentle long, deep breaths.





Technique #2: Visualize the Yin Energy of Water

If you feel thoughts ignite into emotions of anger, you can bring the yin energy of water literally into your focus, your awareness.

You can do this inwardly by visualizing yin energy or outwardly like meditating with water, face the water, even a glass of water, or among living green plants. This is a simple way to find balance.


 Drink plenty of water, especially if you are going to be outside. The sun’s energy is actually more intense during August and you should avoid being outside from noon to 4pm, especially from 2 to 4. The light from the sun at that time is very dry and very invasive. People who have lung problems or skin problems should avoid being outside and exposed to the sun at that time. If you must be out be sure to protect your eyes, and skin and lungs.


August is a good time to start paying more attention to your lungs. The more focus you have on keeping your lungs strong now the better your lung energy will be for the fall and winter to come. This is very important. 

In high yang energy, your awareness of your vision, your attention and your qualification of the energy can become more known to you during this time. 

Life has many peaks and valleys but the more we live in balance and harmony the more rainbows we’ll have, even if only in our hearts.

Love & Blessings,


Chunyi Lin

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