Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Do you meditate?

Everyone knows that meditation is a good thing, but most people will say that 1. they don't have time, and 2. they don't know how.  I am always amused to see all of the books out there on how to meditate - don't get me wrong,  I'm sure they are all great and help many people. But meditation doesn't have to be that complicated, especially in today's society.

We are surrounded by noise, whether it be ambient or self-inflicted. Cell phone, computers, ipods, T.V., HD Radio, etc.. So, what happens  when you turn all of these off for a while? Well, most people will go through withdrawls, especially without the cell phone.  But the first step to how to meditate is to turn off all of the technology. Don't put it on vibrate or sleep mode - turn it OFF.

O.K., if you're still with me - how do I  meditate? Here are two simple methods:

1. Take a walk in the park - walking in nature is a great way to meditate - remember, no ipods or technology allowed. Just walk in silence and enjoy the surroundings - you will be amazed how this can clear your mind and relax your body.

2. Close your eyes, sit and breathe. That's it, nothing else. You don't have to sit in lotus position, you don't need scented candles or incense, you don't need chanting music. Just sit. Breathe. Relax. Just 5 minutes a day will make a huge change in your life.

Are there other benefits to meditation? Here's a list from Dr. Andrew Weil :

The benefits of meditation are numerous, and include:
  1. Helping lower blood pressure
  2. Decreasing heart and respiratory rates
  3. Increasing blood flow
  4. Enhancing immune function
  5. Reducing perception of pain
  6. Relieving chronic pain due to arthritis and other disorders
  7. Maintaining level mood
  8. Bringing awareness and mindfulness to everyday aspects of life
So, take some time out today to meditate -  you will feel better.


Tom Pasley

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