Leftover Halloween candy is a dangerous thing for your waistline. Here are 3 possible suggestions to help avoid overdoing it:
1. Take 7 samples of one or various treats. Store them in the refrigerator. One study revealed that treats kept in the fridge (in the butter bin, specifically) reduced over-eating of the treat. Then, allow yourself 1 treat per day for a week. One treat per day will not do you in, but 7 in one day may damage your waistline for weeks to come. Your body can process small bits of sugar at once, but not large amounts. Better to enjoy 7 times in bites than 1 time in gulps!
2. Take a bite or two then throw the rest in the trash immediately. Make sure to take the trash out after... : )
3. If there's enough, take the treats to a neighborhood care shelter. Those kids could use a treat of both the loving and tasty kind.
Hope you had a safe and Happy Halloween. Now, what about Thanksgiving? Well, that's a subject for a later blog.
Happy Qi!
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