Monday, March 4, 2013

Transforming Springtime Emotions

Transforming Springtime Emotions

There is an old Chinese saying, “A seed planted today won’t be an oak tree tomorrow.” Those are wise words and especially important to remember this time of year.

You need to remind yourself of this because spring energy wants to push you forward and that can make you too anxious.

Emotionally, in March, springtime is really coming so the liver energy wants to come out but it cannot fully come out yet so it is always fighting. As a result, emotionally, that can create anxiety, frustration, or even anger.'

So you need to watch out for those emotions and things that might trigger your anxiety or anger.
Just allow things to happen in their natural rhythm and learn to be patient. Taking deep breaths is very helpful this time of year.

Everyday, when you get up, take 3 slow, gentle, really deep breaths to help calm down your emotions.

Do this often throughout each day. Sometimes you get so angry, so frustrated, you want to explode but you don’t want to do that. As a result, that negative energy becomes trapped within you. It takes so much positive energy away from you.

All these little times this happens it just keeps collecting and building inside you, taking more and more energy out of you and when summer comes you tired. You don’t want this to happen so here’s what you can do:
When you do feel anxious or frustrated or angry you can transform that energy into wisdom energy, into something soothing and good for your body. Any time you are nervous or anxious or frustrated, take long, slow, gentle, deep breaths. Put a smile on your face and focus on your heart.

At this time in meditation, it is better to focus more on the middle dantien (heart area). This helps to calm the energy down and soothe and build the energy in the lymph system and digestion system.
People tend to eat more in the spring because the energy of growth is coming. By focusing on your middle dantien it also aids your digestion and calms your energy.

At least 5 minutes every day take time to calm down, smile, feel peaceful and just focus on your middle dantien. Visualize the sun energy in your middle dantien and try to get some sunshine on your body. Even if the sun is just coming through the window that is fine and it will make you feel good and help with your visualization.

Your body follows the laws of nature. By focusing on your middle dantien you can help to turn that upsetting emotion into something soothing for the body. As a result, when spring comes more fully and turns to summer you are going to have more energy and be stronger because you have turned that acidic energy of anger and anxiety into basic energy, which builds your body.

So, letting go of frustration or anger by breathing slowly and deeply and focusing on your middle dantien will help transform that energy. Instead of depleting your energy, you build your energy and strengthen your digestive system, your gland system, your immune system, and your lymph system, which are all directly connected to the middle dantien.

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