Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Winter Predictions from my Chinese Masters

Winter Predictions from my Chinese Masters

A strange winter begins 7 November

According to traditional Chinese cosmology, winter this year officially starts on November 7.  We will likely experience a strange winter in many areas of the northern hemisphere this year.
Actually, we have already almost reached the coldest time period of this coming winter season! In about two weeks, the temperatures should start to turn around. Around that time, we will also see unseasonal windstorms kicking up in many areas.

Weird weather to bring challenges

This unusual winter Qi will bring some challenges to those of you who have weakened functioning of your liver, heart, and/or lung.

On an emotional level, we may all notice a significant increase in the number of angry people out there. 

Clinically, I expect that you will see more clients experiencing chest pain, abdominal pain, and/or cough.

Tips to stay balanced

    •    A friendly reminder that your daily Qigong and Tai Chi practice is always a good way to maintain your balance during the winter season.
    •    Please place a special focus on holding your Yang Qi within.
    •    Food is medicine! Remembering to eat fermented foods daily, incorporate root vegetables, black bean soup, and chestnuts into your regular meals throughout the winter will be very beneficial to building and preserving your health.

Yours in the Tao,

Tom Pasley, LMT, BCTMB

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