Friday, December 20, 2024

Winter Solstice 2024

 The Winter Solstice December 21, 2024

Tomorrow, December 21st, marks one of the most powerful and transformative days of the year. It’s the perfect time to align your heart and mind, and connect deeply with the energy of the season. 

To truly understand the significance of the solstice, we must first recognize the balance of Yin and Yang—the two fundamental energies that shape everything in the universe. These energies are in a constant dance, always shifting, growing, and transforming. Twice a year, we experience their peak and deepest shift—tomorrow is one of those days!

 In the Northern Hemisphere, we celebrate the Winter Solstice, when Yin energy is at its peak. It's a time for stillness, reflection, and nurturing the deep wisdom that comes with this quiet energy. Embrace the calm, protect your energy, and connect with the quiet power of Yin.

 In the Southern Hemisphere, it’s the Summer Solstice, when Yang energy is strongest. It's a time for active celebration—get outside, enjoy the warmth, and let the vitality of the sun fill you with joy and energy!

No matter where you are, tomorrow is a perfect time to protect your energy and honor the balance of Yin and Yang. Here's how you can make the most of this powerful transition:

 Nurture Your Energy

Eat or drink something hot and sweet; Making something hot and sweet for yourself can be very nurturing for your system and very helpful in getting your energy grounded. (Hello, Hot Chocolate!)

Chinese medicine says that December 21, if you can eat or drink something sweet and hot it will help you get through the months of winter energy dominance much better, with fewer colds or other winter illnesses. Chinese medicine also advises you not to drink too many cold things this time of year and to keep your body warm. 

Keep your feet and Head Warm; When you go outside keep your feet and head warm for the protection of the vitality of your body so that when spring comes your health is much better.

Meditate; Especially on the 21st if you can, do lots of meditation. Since yin and yang are each at opposite points this day it is a great time to meditate. This is a very powerful switching point so when you do a meditation on this day you help yourself get more energy and balance your energy quicker.

Limit Excessive Exercise Activity; The yang energy is very weak on this day. It is like a teeny baby just ready to be born. It is weak so you need to protect it. On this day, do not do a lot of exercise and get sweaty. This over activates your yang, which is much too delicate and weak now. Stick to slow and relaxed forms of exercise, such as yin flow yoga or Qigong. 

Stay away from Spicy Foods; Spicy foods can over activate your yang energy, which is much too delicate and weak right now. 

In fact, in China on that day, qigong masters, tai chi masters, martial arts masters and others who are greatly knowledgeable and paying great attention to longevity don’t do anything on that day. They simply stay home and have something warm to relax, celebrate the day and be happy.

Of course, not everyone can do this. Not everyone even knows this. Not even every master knows it but people who do are very careful to honor and protect their yang energy on this day. By doing so they help the yang energy to grow and help the body to balance.

Many Blessings, 

Chunyi Lin and Tom Pasley

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